關於我們 | About US - 小陸子清粥店簡介 | Lu's Garden introduction

小陸子清粥店位於聖蓋博市山谷大道萬曆廣場,創立於1989 年,迄今已有23年的歷史,小陸子本店以永續經營的理念,營造一個明亮乾淨的環境,以傳統的台式口味,滿足現代忙碌的工商社會需求,讓客人在快速用餐之際,能吃得健康,吃得舒服,吃得沒有負擔。



教會或團體聚會也可預約 party tray.

Founded in 1989, Lu's Garden is located in Valley Plaza on Valley Boulevard in San Gabriel. We wish to continue to provide extraordinary services by establishing a clean and bright dining environment, satisfying the appetite of our busy customers with traditional Taiwanese flavors, and providing our customers with healthy and satisfying meals.

Lu's Garden has a renowned reputation among the Asian community. Many travellers returned to Los Angeles would go to Lu's Garden as their first stop right off the plane for a satisfying late night meal.

When selecting the grocery and ingredients for our dishes, we monitor the sanitary and freshness of our food processing with extremely stringent criteria and rules. Therefore, we were able to obtain A rating from the U.S. Department of Heath and Environmental Control inspection for eight years straight.

Our staff's hard work and respectful attitude towards each other and customers alike gained them our customer's utmost loyalty, which allowed us to serve the community at the same restaurant location for more than 23 years.

The sweet potato rice porridge from Lu's Garden is rich and smooth, and it's famous in China and other parts of Asia. We have close to fifty different delicious dishes and appetizers to choose from that are of perfect combinations with the famous sweet potato rice porridge.

Consistently receiving excellent ratings and reviews from returning customers, Lu's Garden is the perfect place for friends and family gatherings. Church and large party gatherings may also reserve for party tray !!


Lu's Garden © 小陸子清粥店版權所有 2020 / Designed by ahkoidesign.com
